Sunday, December 23, 2012

Tyler's 3rd Soccer Game!!

Here are pics from 
Tyler's game.

Coach talking to the boys!!

Shirts are inside out 
because they look like the other team!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Stephen 3rd Soccer Game.

Not so many pictures.  The games are getting
exciting now that they are older.

Too busy cheering!!

Thursday, November 15, 2012


The few times that it rains
here.  God feels bad and
gives us a rainbow.


I totally get that Sandy came and 
screwed things up. But look at this bag I have to 
use to carry my Box Tops and PTA stuff.
Not very fashionable is it Mother.
By the way its a recycled bag.

Just saying!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Pumkin Picking 2012!

We headed out to go pumkin picking.
We wanted to try a different place
but ended up at the same place.

John being funny

I told john next year we will go pumpkin picking but just get two small ones.
They were so over priced.  We ended up going to Walmart for our big
pumkin that was $3.88.  I was not going to pay 20 dollars at the farm.
I know I am so cheap!!

Boys had a fun day!!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Disney at Halloween Time 2012!

We headed to Disneyland before
our passes ran out.

It was a beautiful day.

Spent most of the day in sawyer land.

Told Stephen to stand by the gold. 
This is what I got.

They loved lifting this guy up and down.

He's such a ham!

Stephen finally got on Space Mountain 
while Tyler and John did the Star Wars ride.
Fast pass makes life a little easier.
Space Mountain had scary ghosts 
all through it for Halloween.

Ended the day with Ice Cream! 
Dosen't get any better!!