Thursday, August 30, 2012

Beatles Concert!!

This was a fun one.

Stephen sitting in the grass watching the band.

Finally some pics of me

Two more concerts to go to.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Balboa Island!!

We took a drive to Newport
and came across this little
town called Balboa Island.

The shops remind me of the Hamptons

The sunflowers were so big

This is the front of the houses 
right on the canal.

We want to go back in Oct. 
It was so crowed really no place to park.
we were parked an 1/2 hour space.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Lombard Street!!

Sorry I am not going in order of 
our trip to San Francisco.
The boys like this part of the trip.

Lombard Street in San Francisco
We walked down it

This house had such beautiful
purple flowers all over it.

At the bottom

Lot of people driving down it.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

John's Birthday!!

Boys enjoying the hot tub and
strawberry daiquiris.


Monkey see Monkey do

Cake time

Tyler Jumping in the deep end

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Our First Rodeo!!

 The ranch is only 
10 minutes from the house.
The boys had a blast.

 They got to sit on the police bikes.

We will be going again next year!!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Bonfire with the Neighbors!

Our Neighbors told us about a great beach 
to have a bonfire! We all meet there and 
did a little boogie boarding and surfing.

The kids had a blast

Stephen taking a shower

Fun bonfire with S'mores

Beautiful sunset

Picture was taken with Johns phone

not sure why is not clear.