Saturday, October 27, 2012

Getting ready for Monster Mash!!

Boys getting ready for the 
Mako Mash at school.

The school has this every year. 
Loads of fun for the kids.

Stephen and Jackson

Matt, Stephen and Tyler

The school really goes all out for this event.

Tyler and Henry

Jackson and Tyler

Friday, October 26, 2012

Mako Mash Haunted House 2012!

Very old post but wanted to share with you!!

This is part of the Mako Mash.
The Haunted house is awesome.

Monica below put the whole thing together. 
I give her a lot of credit its a lot of work,

Its all done at the school. I helped decorate in the haunted house for a couple of hours.
Next year John would like to help put the walls up and I want to help decorate more.

Middle school kids get dressed up and scare the kids.

This guy got out of his chair and scare Tyler.

They turn all the lights out. 
You walked up and down the rows.
The boys loved it. 
They are looking forward to next year.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Tyler's 2nd Soccer Game

Yes I will be posting every Game!!

Every season the games get better.

So tired from running around.