Monday, March 19, 2012

Whale Watching Trip!!

I went on Stephen's class trip whale watching.
The kids were super excited about going.

Waiting to get on the boat.
This is the boat the kids took.

On the boat getting all the safety info.

This captain is taking stephen's entire
 school which is about 1150 kids for free.

Next year it will be a field trip for the 4th graders only.

Stephen with friends and his teacher.

The kids did not have to wear 
life jackets which I was surprised about.

We saw loads of dolphins.

The kids saw a whale too. 
I didn't get any pictures because it happen so fast.

Seals hanging around.

This is how the day ended a few kids sick.

The kids had a great time!!
Looking forward to going with Tyler's
class on Friday!!

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